
"There no foreign lands is only the traveller that is foreign"Robert Lewis Stevenson

There are no foreign lands. It is the only traveler who is foreign. ", Robert Louis Stevenson.
Stevenson was born in Scotland in the century XIV,
  he was endowed with a literary gift. Sadly, like so many in his time , he died too soon, too young, with many adventures to live. But among his testimonies, Stevenson due to his weak health, travelled often  and he describes his travels: trips to distant places, trips of self discovery, his travels were also within oneself .
"Inbetween" depicts one of these travels.
  A journey to the end of the Universe or just around the corner. "Inbetween" can be any  journey, without a  specific destination, but one of  knowledge, learning and freedom . Yes, "Inbetween" can be any journey, made by anybody , but one  that represents us all. "Inbetween" can be an indefinite journey, one that we must all follow to stop, for an instant, and think, observe, breathe and right there : right in the middle of nowhere, between leaving and arriving.

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