
Showing posts from February, 2015
Open Day  I opened the studio last week end to the public , and it was a most rewarding experience , friends and people who like ans appreciate my work turned up . I also had a guest artist showing his work: Seara, he is a Spannish artist with a vast curriculum , he has already showed his work all over the world , so it was quite a privilege to have in my studio showing his work. Here are some photos of whatt the studio looked like  The photographs were take by one of my favourite photographers: Fatima Carvalho. Seara`s work  Seara`s work on the wall Seara`s work on the wall Seara`s work on the wall Seara`s work on the wall Seara`s work on the wall Seara`s work 
Mail Art    Brazil This is the call "Impredicable nature"