Non stop voyage

"Non stop voyage"

Mixed on canvas

”Non stop voyage" is the title of this painting, but it isn`t  a journey without interruptions, alias in this I represent many pauses, many turning times, many crossroads, the stops are not fixed,  they are fluid, flexible and busy.

In my paintings I represent and tell personal stories, these stories can be only a moment, do not need to have physical movement, displacement of the body, we can be quiet and in a second everything happens inside us.

One of the voyage’s that I represent in this painting  is the life of A`Si, a Macanese boy born into a large family who lived in a reed boat, A'Si was given to the Captain of a Portuguese ship, a better future was the what  the boy's parents wanted.

A`Si  came to Portugal, he went to live with the family of the commander. As an adult  he lived in Serra da Estrela married anf had six children.

A great trip, a life trip, a full life his granddaughter told me that her  grandfather had been an example of courage in her life .

A`Si's story is in the painting now also part of my imagination. I am sure that he will be part of other pictures that I shall paint. .I like life  stories , I like courage, resilience and creative people.

I also like literary characters, cinematic images, I like what it seems but i is not ......

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